How can you support your family financially as a single parent?

Ailsa Adam November 24, 2022

Managing your family’s income as a single parent can be daunting. If you are pulling it off, applaud you. It can be frustrating and stressful since you have one source of income.

However, try to look for other ways around it. Many single parents are not aware of the fact that they get help from the government. They keep on slogging and struggling on their own.

Nevertheless, you must know your financial rights and financial rules. For many single parents with low financial status, the government offers different benefits and opportunities.

The government benefits to enjoy

It is easy to apply for these benefits and claim them. However, make sure you have sufficient proof and documents to support them. You can easily apply for them and take advantage of them.

Sometimes, people may avail themselves of loans from private lenders. They may apply for a pound 5000 money loan in the UK for their special and bigger needs.

These loans are a good option, but their repayment can become a problem because of the less money. Before availing of the loans, understand these different benefits and then avail of them.

Benefits to claim

If you are a single parent and seeking support in terms of money, look at the following benefits from the government:

  • Income Support

You can claim income support. If you are a single parent who is looking after a child under five years of age or you are pregnant while being single, you can claim income support.

Along with this, if you’re working hours are less than 16 hours a week, or you get lesser than £15,000, you may claim the support.

Government helps single parents to fund their expenses appropriately. You should know how to apply for it and take advantage of it.

  • Universal Credit

Universal credit is another benefit that offers good financial support to single parents. This facility overpowers all the previous ones.

In the UK, any single parent can go for universal credit and fund their basic needs. You should know the right source and the way to apply for it.

  • Council Tax Benefits and Housing Benefits

When you have a lower income, you may opt for the council tax benefit or the housing benefit. Due to ill health or disability, if you have a reduced income, you are entitled to this benefit.

If you were getting a lesser amount before, you are entitled to get more in this. For this, you can connect with the local authorities or the right person to understand the whole process.

  • Help to pay mortgage interest

With income support, you also get support to pay your mortgage interest. Sometimes you may take people loans on benefits in the UK but may not be able to repay it. This can create a problem for you as well as for the lender.

Hence, the government helps you to pay your rent and other charges that are required and necessary. There is a certain period to claim these benefits.

It takes about 12 weeks before you receive your mortgage interest. Only the form needs to be filled, and your details need to be mentioned. Be honest and transparent about giving your details to avail the best benefits.

  • Working Tax Credit

With housing benefits, you also get a working tax credit. Working less than 16 hours a day or if you have a lower income, you are entitled to this.

Many single parents are not able to work due to their disability or ill health.

Money is required to fulfill your basic expenses. If you are not eligible for this working tax credit, you may apply for sick leave and go for it. Understand the details that are required to avail of this tax credit.

  • Statutory Sick Pay

As a single parent if you are taking a leave for up to 28 days, you will be paid statutory sick pay. Be sure to add this to your employment contract.

They do not disclose this information to the employees. However, as a single parent employee, it is your right to know all these details and the way to avail it.

For this, it is crucial to provide a medical certificate as proof to get the required benefit.

  • Other benefits

Apart from these, you can get certain other benefits if you are a single parent with a low income. Some of them are:

  • Child benefit

If your child is below 16 or they do not have any full-time education, you can get the child benefit for their education or any approved training.

  • Help with rent

Many single parents are not able to pay off their rent due to lower financial status. The government helps them by giving them rent help. Most people use a 10k loan with bad credit to pay off their rent and other pending bills. This can impact your benefit from the government.

Go to a local council and talk to them. If you give them the right proof and explain your honest situation, you are liable to get the benefit of this rent claim.

  • Prescriptions and health costs

Without any income support, it can be difficult to cater to your medical expenses as well.

Hence, if you go to a doctor and you have any prescriptions or treatments, you can claim them. As a single parent, with specific parameters, you come under this benefit.

  • Cold weather payment

There is another benefit called the cold weather payment. If your child is under five and you are not able to take care of them because of a disability, you can get the cold weather payment. This is paid at different intervals by the government.

  • School uniforms

Under these benefits, the cost of school uniforms is also included. Talk to the education department at your local council and make them understand your present situation.

With a lower income, you are liable to get the benefit of school uniforms as well.


As a single parent, do not keep on taking stress about your finances. The government extends a lot of opportunities and benefits. Especially lower-income people, take benefit of that. Try to understand these benefits and take advantage of them. If you still face an issue, you can contact your local authorities and understand it in detail.

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