money back after the scam

How to get the money back after the scam?

You may have been a fraud victim sometime in your lifetime. Losing a huge money chunk is unfortunate. You may have lost it through an accounts transfer or credit or debit card. Bank transfers are quite common in the country. It records the highest number of fraud cases.  You can call it an Authorised Push Payment (APP) […]

October 8, 2024 By Ailsa Adam

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How do loans help you lead a good financial life?

Loans have a very negative image. It is believed that once you take a loan, you cannot find mental peace easily. However, this sounds like an exaggeration. Unfortunately, the overall perspective is always negative. You can always depend on loans for small and big financial requirements. They give you financial relief in emergency situations. Despite […]

August 23, 2024 By Ailsa Adam

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Loan Consolidation vs. Refinancing: Which Is Right for You?

Like most places, UK consumer debt keeps rising – nearly £15,000 per household on average. From credit cards and overdrafts to personal loans and mortgages, monthly repayments stack up despite flat incomes. Making ends meet grows harder. When your income no longer covers growing payments, taking action avoids financial disasters. Consolidating debts or refinancing loans […]

July 24, 2024 By Ailsa Adam

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Instalment Loans: What They Are, How They Work and Why You Might Need One

Money is a necessity. We can look at itself as more than that, such as capital for business or an investment tool.

March 7, 2023 By Ailsa Adam

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